Name: Stanislav
Birth date: 1993-07-28
Nationality: Russian
Height: 180
Weight: 70 kg
1) The state Vocal-Choreographic ensemble Rus (Russia) (August 2015 - September
2016) (dancer)
2) Taipei Children's Amusement Park (Taiwan) (November 2016 – November 2017)
3) Sun World Fansipan Legend and Hon Thom Nature Park (Vietnam) (January 2018
– September 2018) (dancer)
4) FantaWild Adventure (China)(April 2019 - October 2019) (dancer, choreographer)
5) Luxury event (Turkiye) (April 2021 - August 2021) (dancer, choreographer)
6) Bridge resort 4 ( Russia) (August 2021 – December 2021) (dancer, choreographer)
7) Pasha Dance Theatre (Türkiye) (February 2022 – November 2024) ( dancer,
choreographer's assistant )
(2011-2015)-Smolensk State Institute Of Arts
Disciplines: choreography (folk dance, jazz, modern dance)